Wildfire: Evacuation, Preparation, and Safety Resources
Wildfire: Evacuation, Preparation & Safety

Managing Horses in an Emergency - Practical advice video from Keystone Sporthorses, PRE (2020).
Ready for Evacuation? Prepare for Wildfire - CalFire's advice on how to prepare for an emergency evacuation.
Horse Evacuation in the time of COVID - The Horse discusses how to take extra precautions when wildfire evacuation and other health emergencies coincide.
Guidelines for Horses Exposed to Smoke - Advice from the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California Davis.
Air Quality Index: Should my Horse be Working Today? - Advice from Starwood Equine Veterinary Services on when to let your horse take the day off because of poor air quality.
FEMA, Region 9 (includes California) - real time updates on Twitter
Asbestos & Natural Disasters - information from Mesothelioma Center on minimizing exposure to asbestos during natural disasters and clean-up afterwards.
Extension Disaster Education Network - this link takes you to their wildfire page. They also have information on preparing for, and safety during, other natural disasters including floods, high wind events, and heat waves.
US Pony Club: Emergency Preparedness Poster - print out this poster in size 11"x25" or 18"x24" and put it up somewhere public at your barn! Or use it as an HM resource.
US Pony Club Safety Resources - covers a wider range of personal and equine safety issues and trainings.
FireSafe San Mateo - includes tips on how to make your home more fire-safe, many of which would apply to barns and other livestock structures.
CalFire on Twitter:
What's My Zone? - If you live in San Mateo County, Santa Cruz County and parts of Santa Clara County, you can find the zone coding that CalFire will be using to make announcements about evacuations etc for your area. For example, the Horse Park at Woodside is in zone WSD-E095. Just type in your address. (Links to ZoneHaven website)
The local groups listed below offer evacuation training for owners and volunteers:
Central California Animal Disaster Team (Fresno County)
Napa County Large Animal Response Team
San Mateo County Large Animal Evacuation Group
Santa Clara County Large Animal Evacuation Team
Santa Cruz County Equine Evacuation Unit
Sonoma Community Animal Response Team
Helpful Products (NB - not an official Pony Club endorsement)
ICE Products USA - Highly visible identification tags for horses and dogs to weave into manes, tails, etc.