2024 EBTH Rally
Printable PDF: 2024 EBTH
2024 Everything but the Horse Rally (EBTH Rally)
Hosted by Golden Hills Pony Club
Sunday March 24th 2024
(Rain Date April 7th )
10am – TBD
(Finish Time will be determined once we know # of participants)
Register by March 10th
The Acres (Sugarloaf Farm)
1290 Masten Ave
Gilroy, CA 95020
Golden Hills Pony Club invites you to join us at the “Everything but the Horse Rally” (EBTH). The purpose of an EBTH is to provide untested and ‘D’ pony club members with a positive, fun, and educational introduction to a rally without the stress of handling a horse. Even though you will not be bringing a horse to this rally, you will want to bring EVERYTHING else, including your riding skills, horse management knowledge, and a great team attitude.
EBTH is open to both youth and Horsemasters members. Horsemasters will be judged in a separate division. Each team will set up their tack room and prepare for this one-day rally as if it were a competition with horses present. This means complete preparation of all tack, riding attire (including USPC pin and medical armband), and rally kits. Competitors will not need to bring feed for horses, but teams do need to bring buckets and any items typically used to feed and hydrate a horse. Stall cards and feed charts should be placed in the “pony paddock” for inspection by the HM judges. The rally will be ran as a Combined Test, with each rider completing a dressage test, and a jumping round (all with their stick horse).
Parents and Participants are encouraged to view and look over the Horse management rulebook and Eventing rulebook on the pony club website.
Read over the most current newsletters for Horse Management and Eventing.
Copies of these rulebooks and newsletters will be a part of the required equipment in each of the teams’ tack rooms at EBTH.